Welcome to shades-realm!

shades-realm is a little personal site belonging to yours truly. Here you will find things like music albums I like, video games I have played, and experiences I have written about having.

As I learn how to implement more features using HTML, there will be more visually interesting pages, more doodads to poke around with, and hopefully more ways to interact with myself and other visitors to the page!

I am so sick of the contemporary mathmatics course I'm in for college right now. Truth tables can get bent, this shit is awful.

Recent Updates

[06/09/2006] Etiam odio mi, suscipit et, rhoncus ac, lacinia, nisl. Aliquam gravida massa eu arcu. More…

[06/06/2006] Fusce mollis tristique sem. Sed eu eros imperdiet eros interdum blandit. Vivamus sagittis bibendum erat. Curabitur malesuada. More…

[06/03/2006] Nunc pellentesque. Sed vestibulum blandit nisl. Quisque elementum convallis purus. Suspendisse potenti. Donec nulla est, laoreet quis, pellentesque in. More…

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